My Twin Lens Photography

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The Fernseed, a modern plant store in Tacoma, Washington

Ahhhh the magic of Instagram. I first heard about this new plant shop opening in Tacoma through Instagram. Somewhere on a deep internet dive I saw that a plant shop was opening in Tacoma (I’m only a little fearful of how well the Instagram Algorithm is as predicting me). So I started following The Fernseed knowing I would go check it out when it opened. You can imagine my delight when the owner of that same plant shop emailed me to create content for her! I did two photoshoots for Katherine. The first was to create editorial imagery for her website of her products along with a model. I came up with the unique concept of holding the products through a hole in the backdrop. The second shoot was to do a headshot and over all shop aesthetic. I look forward to future projects with this rad boss lady. Big shout out to make up artist Taylar Miller, model Sawyer and videographer Blake Kaiser.

Check out this awesome store video my friend and fellow creative Blake Kaiser did of The Fernseed!